3601 Stockyard Rd. Eden, Maryland | 410-742-8600


How Sweet It Is has grown over the last 29 years in more ways than one! We began by growing hard to find plant material especially natives and we did a good job, so we kept going. Now we have over 30 acres in production of almost everything that is on our inventory. We have an amazing team that is producing top quality plants grown locally and well suited for the local environment. With freight the way it is now it really gives us an advantage to be able to provide what our landscape wholesale contractors are looking for. We are producing everything from perennials, grasses, roses, shrubbery, natives, shade trees and ornamentals and virtually anything in between. The items we don't grow we are stocking so that we are ready when our customers land that big job. We can help you translate the mitigation requirements and satisfy the city, county or state.

To make things easier since time is money we have mulch, soil all types of decorative stone and the shores largest selection of bluestone, treads, wall stone, boulders and even dive rocks. We can deliver anything we sell and or have ready for you to be loaded on demand. Just give us a shout and let us bid your job Its less stressful and cheaper to let us do all the work and get everything in one stop!! Best part is we are open 7 days a week so you can feel free to bring your customers and let us be your showroom.

Conveniently located 1 mile south of Fruitland on Rt. 13

Open Hours

Monday - Saturday: 9:00am - 6:00pm
Sunday: 9:00am - 5:00pm

Visit us in person year-round and you'll really see "How Sweet It Is!"